THE FLOOD DAMAGE REHABILITATION COMMITTEE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA Pyongyang, February 10, 1996 Mr. Bernard Krisher Chairman American Assistance to Cambodia and Japan Relief for Cambodia Dear Mr. Krisher: I would like to acknowledge the receipt of your letters dated on February 5 and 9, and to extend once again my thanks for your active efforts to collect materials for donation including rice in connection with the flood damage last year in our country. We hereby wish to inform you that we agree with your plan to visit our country for one week beginning on March 4 together with either your daughter or son and that instructions for issuing visas to your group will be given to our Embassy in Beijing in due course. I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you of our agreement with your proposal to send some donation materials on "Mangyongbong" ship which was mentioned in my letter dated on January 6. Yours sincerely, Pak Song Gyun The Flood Damage Rehabilitation Committee Democratic People's Republic of Korea --Click here for more letters from North Korea |