On my recent trip to North Korea in March, I distributed rice to the citizens of Huichon, a city which was badly hit by the floods last summer. Many people are still homeless and the general hospital is empty except for a few rooms treating serious patients and malnourished children. Because the 10 boilers, situated in the basement, were badly damaged by the flood which filled the entire basement and most of the hospital's first floor, the 500-bed hospital is empty and the patients are treated at home by doctors and nurses making continuous rounds throughout the city. Only the most serious cases and immovable patients are still handled in the hospital, their rooms heated by stoves and electric heaters. The cost of repairing the boilers is estimated at $10,000. I left the balance of funds that I still had in my wallet--$4,100--with the hospital;s director so he could call to the factory which makes and repairs these boilers and obtain a priority in the repair work. The balance must be paid within May and I am appealing to all our Internet viewers to contribute to this urgent appeal so lives can be saved by bringing critical patients back into this key hospital of Huichon City. Should the contributions exceed this amount they will be used for the purchase of infant formula powdered milk and extra rice for the malnourished children and their mothers. Photos of the hospital and our visit to the rooms housing the malnourished children can be viewed elsewhere on this Home Page. Contributions may be made by bank transfer to our various bank accounts in Japan and South Korea or by sending a check made out to Internet Appeal for Korean Flood Victims and mailed c/o Bernard Krisher to: 4-1-7-605 Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo (150). Funds may be transferred to: Acct. #748849, Sumitomo Bank, Hiroo Garden Hills Branch, Tokyo. Account Name: North Korean Flood Relief. Or, in South Korea contributions may be sent to: Hope Worldwide Korea, Acct. 371-05-012315, Shinhan Bank, Kangnam Choongang Branch, Tel: 82-2-538-5505. Please advise me by e-mail (bernie@media.mit.edu) or by fax (+81-3-3486-6789) when you make a bank transfer. Bernard Krisher