Thank you for your inquiry. The situation is getting worse in North Korea and rations have been cut again, according to reports. I am planning another rice donation trip in the coming month or two and am preparing an appeal to collect $100,000 ($40,000 so far inhand) to bring rice again and distribute it directly to the civilian population in several areas. The World Food Program has issued periodic reports on the situation. They need many things there but are ready mainly for food or medical (drug) donations, not medical volunteers. They feel they have the human resources to cope but not the material. If you have anything specific in mind in helping the North Koreans in their current plight I can pass your proposal to them or if you have any donations you would like to have me deliver directly and monitor on my next trip, I will be pleased to cooperate. I look forward to hearing from you further.
Best regards,
Bernard Krisher
---------- You wrote ----
>To: Bernard Krisher
>From: Karl Baker, International Medical Corps
>Re: Request update on North Korea
>Let me introduce myself. I am a desk officer with International Medical Corps (IMC), a nonprofit, nonsectarian humanitarian relief organization. IMC is a member of the NGO consortium InterAction. From years of work in Afghanistan, Somalia, Rwanda, Angola, Sudan, Burundi, Bosnia and elsewhere, IMC has expertise in a range of emergency health and medical services.
>Several months ago I read your fall '95 and spring '96 reports on the internet, and at that time began enquiring as to the types of needs in North Korea. Now as the US government is publicly suggesting there is a place for more extensive US humanitarian assistance to the DPRK, I am again enquiring after recent news and reports from the peninsula. I would be deeply grateful for any assistance you can give me in the regards.
>I can be contacted at:
>International Medical Corps
>12233 W. Olympic Blvd., Ste. 280
>Los Angeles, CA 90064
>310-442-6622 (fax)
>Again, thank you for your assistance.
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