From: Sang-Kyung Choi <>
Subject: North Korean Flood Relief
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 21:28:53 -0500
Dear Mr Krisher,
I have become aware of how seriously famine has affected people in North Korea. Recently, by searching the Web, I have learned of your efforts to provide relief to the flood victims. I read that your latest delivery of relief supplies was in early April. Are you planning to continue your relief efforts ? Because, if you are, I would like to contribute to your project by sending some money to your bank account listed on the webpage devoted to your internet campaign.
Sincerely Yours,
Choi, Sang-Kyung
P.S. Forgive me for being unable to help in a more meaningful way. I also read the translated version of the Chosun Ilbo editorial that vilified your campaign. What can I say ? I hope that his narrow-minded views are not representative of South Koreans in general.
I'm replying on behalf of my father who fell ill in North Korea and had to return to Tokyo. The delivery of 100 tons of corn and 200 tons of rice arrives in North Korea this week and we already promised it will be delivered to hungry children in Huichon. UNICEF will monitor the delivery and we will confirm it on our home page. Further contributions continue to be accepted and we will continue to provide food and monitor it.
Debbie Krisher
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