>>>Dear Bernard and Debbie
>>>Thank you for showing us all what one motivated person can achieve, and the difference which such a person can make in this world!
>>>Thanks also for demonstrating the wonderful value of the Internet, and the importance of keeping it truly free and uncensored.
>>>I have taken note of the Australian bank account details for making donations to your relief efforts. But I have another question - do you have need of manpower as well as money?
>>>If it is possible for me, and if it would do some *real* good (that is, more good than simply sending money), I am prepared to donate my time and travel expenses to help physically with this effort.
>>>If not, I will happily make a donation via our Commonwealth Bank.
>>>Kind regards (and thanks again!)
>>Dear Patrick French,
>>Thank you very much for your kind message. For the moment there is little anyone can do to help the food situation in North Korea, except provide funds to buy food there. The North Koreans still keep their country closed and do not open it up to volunteers. They feel their 'human resources' are adequate. It would be better if some outside experts were allowed in to help, but that is the best that can be done right now. Your contribution to the Australian bank account is much appreciated.
>>May I put your message on my Home Page?
>>All the best,
>>Bernard Krisher
>Dear Bernard
>Thank you very much for your prompt reply to my email. My apologies for not replying to you sooner.
>I appreciate your explaining the situation regarding North Korea to me, and I have made a deposit to the Australian account as you suggested.
>Please feel free to add my message to your Home Page.
>All the very best with you and your daughter's work for North Korea.
Dear Patrick,
I have just returned today from Cambodia, so please accept my apologies for my delay in answering you. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generous contribution to help feed the people in North Korea.
Warmest regards,
Bernard Krisher
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