Dear Brent,
Thank you very much for your note and generous desire to help the hungry in North Korea. One hundred percent of all funds received go toward the purchase of food or medicine. I personally absorb all side costs including my travel, telecommunications, etc. We have no paid staff in this project. I will arrange for another donation mission in the next weeks.
Money order or check on a U.S. bank my be sent to me:
Bernard Krisher
4-1-7-605 Hiroo
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan (150)
At the bottom line of the check--state: for North Korean Flood victims
You may also transfer funds to our Japanese account listed in the site, but the dollar check will reduce any banking charges and foreign exchange losses.
You can also use a credit card. The Hotel Okura in Japan has kindly offered to process credit card contributions for us without any charge.
Best regards,
Bernard Krisher
>Dear Bernie,
>I am writing because I found your address on the net under North Korea Relief Organizations. I would like to make a small donation to aid in the famine/flood situation, but need to know where to best spend the small amount I can send. Can you let me know how much of the donation would be used DIRECTLY for aid? I greatly appreciate it. Please include the address to where I may send a money order also. I hope to hear from you. Thank you for your time.
>Brent Nelson