To: Kwonjune Seung
From: (Bernie Krisher)
Tokyo, September 6, 1997
Dear Mr. Kwonjune Seung
Thank you for your message, which sounds very encouraging. Please contact Dr. Moon Park as soon as possible and get his suggestions for the type of medicines most needed. Also look at the interview by my daughter with the North Korean Health official who listed some of the needed drugs. Then try to ship them to Japan (c/o Fuji Unyu in Niigata) and I will be able to place them on the first North Korean ship (leaving every ten days) bound for Wonsan. If possible I will try to be there to monitor the distribution, otherwise I will see that someone from among the foreign agency reps in Pyongyang does it for us. You and your sponsors will then get a fully documented report. The situation is critical. I urge to pursue this with all your energy. Thank you.
Best regards,
Bernard Krisher
.......... You wrote ..............
>Dear Mr. Krisher:
>Just a quick update on my search for medicine. Two weeks ago, I applied on behalf of "North Korea Medical Relief Project (me)" and "Internet Campaign to Aid North Korea" to World Medical Relief in Detroit for a medical mission to North Korea using the transportation method that you outlined to me. This morning, I got a tentative ok from them to supply me with an unspecified amount of antibiotics for a medical mission to North Korea in the next few months. The amount of antibiotics is dependent on the number of patients that will be treated on this medical mission. However, $30-60,000 worth of medicine, though large, is within their capabilities.
>I need to send them a list of the kind and quantity of antibiotics. The other thing that I need to do is, as you suggested, contact Dr. Moon Pak and ask him about CAMM's activities in North Korea and if we can collaborate. I'm sorry about the lateness of this reply; I've been drowning in Boards Part II (part 2 of medical licensing exam) recently.
>I will continue to follow up and get back to you.