Date: Sun, 5 Oct 1997 06:09:16 -0400 (EDT)
To: "R.  Morrison" 
Subject: Re: Re Wheat

>Dear Sir,
>I am representing a Russian client who has wheat to sell.  I believe the
>client may even consider a barter deal, if the terms were right, if that
>is the way forward.
>Who should I be talking to about this?
>Robert Morrison

Dear Mr. Morrison,

I presume you are writing  me because you have heard or seen our Web page
on seeking donations for the North Korean people suffering from a shortage
of food. My project is focused on donations which I distribute and monitor.
I am  not involved in bartering nor acting as a broker. If your client is
interested in making a donation of his wheat,  those who are hungry will be
most appreciative and will pay for his and your  good health and happiness.

Brest regards,

Bernard Krisher

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