Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 08:48:06 -0500 (EST)
From: Bernard Krisher 
Subject: Re: north korean story

November 19, 1997

Dear Paul,

Thank you for your message. I am only knowledgeable about our own program
and the list of our own donors which appears on our Home Page. I recommend
you contact the World Food Program, UNDP, The International Red Cross, the
Treasure Dept. (Foreign Assets Control), CARITAS, World Vision,
Inter-Action (in Washington), for details of other donors' activities.

I am planning another trip to North Korea in the coming month or two and
will be pleased to add further donations so I can purchase and distribute
more medicine and food.

Best regards,

Bernard Krisher

>Bernie, >I hope you will be able and willing to help me. I am a reporter for a paper >in the Hudson Valley of New York. I am collecting background and sources for >a story about local Koreans' reaction to the situation in North Korea. If you >feel it is appropriate, I am looking for the names and a contact address or >telephone number of people who have contributed. I would also appreciate any >other suggestions you might offer. I am just getting started on the >backgrounding. Now that elections are behind me, I can focus on it more. I >have made some initial contacts in the local Korean community. >I am interested because I spent two years in South Korea as a Peace Corps >volunteer. The story in North Korea is one I know concerns Koreans here. I >think it is a story that other Americans do not understand well. >Thanks for your time. >Paul Brooks >The Times Herald-Record >89 N. Front St., Kingston, NY 12401 >914/340-1075 >e mail:

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