>Subject:Re: please provide contacts in NY area
>Dear Mr. Seung,
>        I am not clear what the current regulations are in the U.S. I know
>it is against the law in South Korea but nevertheless Seoul National
>University students collected and donated $1,300 for my project; the Seoul
>Church of Christ collected $7,500 (after I completed a lecture there and
>showed videos of my previous donation trip to North Korea) for me to
>purchase rice for the flood victims and this was duly reported in the
>Joongang Ilbo.  A KBS producer gave me 200,000 won out of  his own wallet
>after interviewing me and Prince Kyu Lee, the last surviving member of
>the Lee royal family, called me today to hand me 25,000 yen ($250) stating
>"this is for one ton of rice which will feed 75 persons for one month."
>        Some non profit organizations such as Aid International in
>Michigan have shipped about one million dollars' worth of drugs and
>medical equipment to North Korea  but other individuals or organizations
>have refrained from giving anything for fear of recrimination.
>        I personally believe, regardless of any hurdles, there is merit in
>helping people on the verge of famine regardless of who they are, where
>live and their system of government. I am totally blind to that. Everyone
>must  act on the basis of their conscience.
>        All I can add is if I were Korean and someday my nation is
>unified, I would not want to face a relative from the North who might ask:
>"why didn't you help us when were starving" and I would be forced to
>answer that "I wasn't sure if it was legal to help you from dying."
>Best regards,
>Bernard Krisher

>>Dear Mr. Krisher,
>>Thank you for your reply.  Indeed, many Korean-Americans are
>>suspicious of efforts to raise funds for North Korea.  We are hoping
>>that their suspicions will be allayed by reasoned argument.  I believe
>>that many will be willing to give, especially those who still have
>>relatives in the North.
>>I am embarrassed to ask you this question, but it is important for me
>>to know the answer.  Is it legal for Americans to send money to your
>>organization?  I understand that a license is required, under the
>>"Trading with Enemy Act."  Although I personally wouldn't hesitate to
>>send money anyway, it would be difficult to ask large numbers of other
>>people to break the law.
>>Sebastian Seung

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