
To: Mr. Kurt Owens

China has made some substantial contributions but of course do not fulfill all the needs. They have a severe rice shortage themselves and for a while prohibited rice exports but recently provided some rice. Their limitations are based on their own food shortage problems, not political reasons.

You can ask the World Food Program hqs. in Rome for statistics on donor nations, also check data bases like Nexis or Dow Jones, punching in such key words as NORTH KOREA AND CHINA AND FLOOD AND AID. Copyright restrictions prohibit me from disseminating media stories such as these on the net. The net itself is not a very good source for gathering information. It is a bazaar of informative and often irrelevant news but more like a bazaar than an archive.

Would you like to help my project with a contribution toward the purchase of rice for my next trip in October?

Best regards,

Bernard Krisher

....... You Wrote .........

>I have no problem with helping the people of North Korea. Your goals are praise worthy. My question is what the country and people of China are doing to alleviate these problems? They are, after all, N. Koreas' natural ally, and the largest country on earth, as well as being geographicaly proximate. I have not been able to find anything about this on the net.

>Thanks K. Owens

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