>Dear Bernie,
>I hope that your jeorney would be a very fruitful and pleasent
one. It was
>unfortunate that I did not hear your further elaboration of
your criticism
>about South being unbrotherly on this issue. I guess you're
not in a mood
>for being too much political today. I like that. It is
always nice to
>communicate each other not exposing any direct or obvious
personal political
>extremes but just gentle indirect gestures. I will look
forward to reading
>your report that you promised. By the way, I would like to
ask to you do
>one big favor. When you have a chance to PERSONALLY
distribute their
>needies, please try to SEE the people through their eyes, not
hear from
>thier mouths. Then you'll know what's really causing their
greefs and sorrows.
Chahn Kim (chan@rizer.computize.com)
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