Tokyo, September 26, 1995

To: Mrs. Paola Illocente


Public Relations Dept.



FAX: +39-422-4499-30

Dear Mrs. Illocente:

I am a former Tokyo bureau chief for Newsweek, publisher of a non-profit daily newspaper in Phnom Penh called The Cambodia Daily, and active in volunteer efforts to help in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Cambodia. I have also been concerned recently about the lack of international concern in the plight of 500,000 North Koreans, according to a U.N. investigative team, who have been left homeless following the worst floods in that country's history and now face malnutrition, disease and the effects of an upcoming harsh, freezing winter.

I opened up a Home Page on the Internet a few days ago ( to gain international support for these flood victims. This effort has been reported on CNN, The Washington Post, Herald Tribune, Kyodo, AFP, in a number of Japanese newspapers and the Financial Times is preparing a feature for next Monday. The North Korean government has been in contact with me and gratefully welcomed this Internet link. The donations we receive will be delivered to and distributed by the UNDP representatives in North Korea I have also been invited to bring in some of the donations and plan to ascertain that they are properly distributed to those in need.

If you access our Home page you will gain a better idea of the project.

I recall the very admirable and successful campaign Benetton conducted a year or two ago in collecting old clothes for the poor.

I would like to appeal to you to again conduct a campaign in Europe to collect such warm winter clothes and blankets and then work with me to put them on a train (with one or two reps) which would deliver the goods directly to the affected area, the province of Sinuiji on the Sino-North Korean border or take them further into North Korea. There is actually the possibility of such a train route: (any European city)-Paris-Moscow-Khabarovsk-Shenyang-Dandong-Sinuiji-Pyongyang. It would be a very dramatic, effective and humanitarian exercise to take one or more box cars filled with clothes and blankets right to the flood victims.

I believe your company would be the ideal sponsor for such a humanitarian drive over one or two months. The project would involve a large collection drive of clothes within Europe, assemble them in Paris put them in box cars in Paris and send them with several passengers (to avoid theft through Russia) to the delivery points. From my communications with the North Koreans, they have agreed to such a campaign and delivery route and I am in the process of talking to the Chinese Embassy here in Tokyo to have them facilitate any customs problems or red tape when the train goes through China.

If such a train materializes I would suggest two passengers to accompany the donations from Paris and would meet the train in Shenyang (China) where it links to the Beijing-Sinuiju-Pyongyang train and we would all enter North Korea together. I have taken this train into North Korea from Beijing three times and am familiar with it. I would be able to facilitate all the formalities without much problem and assist in the publicity, including providing you a gateway through the Internet onto our pages.

I hope you will look upon this suggestion positively.

For your background, I am faxing you

(1) the first four pages of our Home page on Relief for the Flood victims.

(2) several articles from the media which mentions this project.

(3) an article about my activities in Cambodia from The Columbia Journalism Review

(4) correspondence about this project with officials of the North Korean government.

I look forward to your positive response.

Best regards,

Bernard Krisher

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