
The Internet Campaign for North Korea Flood Victims 4-1-7-605, Hiroo, Shibuya-Ku , Tokyo (150) FOR : IMMEDIATE RELEASE 連絡先:Peter McKillop (Tokyo) Tel: +81-3-5467-5444 Fax: +81-3-3237-1244 Internet: Peter_McKillop@yr.com              北朝鮮に高まる食料危機  北朝鮮政府は先月の壊滅的な水害の後、インターネットを介した食料支援を訴える緊 急要請を私に送って来ました。昨年の不作とこの夏の水害と相俟って、北朝鮮に深刻な 食料危機が発生しているとの懸念が強まっています。  先週週末に北朝鮮当局者は北朝鮮水害救援を行っているボランテイア団体に対して食 料供給にに重点を置くことを要請して来ました。北朝鮮水害被災者救援ワールド・ワイ ド・ウエッブ・ホームページ(http://shrine.cyber.ad.jp/mrosin/flood)に発表され た声明の中で北朝鮮当局者は「義援物資を募るキャンペーンにおいて食料支援」を要請 しました。  北朝鮮の食料不安は今週末、国際平和カーネギー財団の上級研究員セリグ・ハリソン 氏によっても確認されました。最近の訪朝から帰国の途についたハリソン氏は北朝鮮水 害救援ホームページに宛てた書簡の中で、「食料事情は今後11月と12月にはさらに 悪化する」と警告しています。  米国における北朝鮮問題の権威者であるハリソン氏は、北朝鮮の「率直な態度」と普 段であれば何でも隠そうとする北朝鮮政府が海外からの支援関係者が国内の農村部での 義援物資配布の状況を監視することを認めたことは「外部世界との接触を拡大したいと の北朝鮮人民側の新しい態度」を反映するものだと指摘。同氏は、米国、日本などの非 共産国からのより大きな、積極的対応が「国際社会と北朝鮮がより建設的関係を結ぶ上 で貢献するだろう」と分析した。   物資の寄贈に応じてくれる方やボランテイアになって頂ける方は、インターネット を通して、寄贈して頂けるものの内容、寄贈物資を届けられる場所はどこかご連絡下さ い。ヨーロッパでも食料や衣類を募りボランテイアのグループが同行して列車でパリか ら平壌までモスクワ、ハバロスク、中国を経由して運ぶキャンペーンが展開されていま す。  すべてのインターネット連絡の宛先はbernie@media.mit.edu  詳しいことを知りたい方は、Peter McKillop (Tel: +81-3-5467-5444)まで。



October 4, 1995

To: Mr. Bernard Krisher
Chairman and Publisher
American Assistance to Cambodia &
Japan Relief for Cambodia

From: Flood Damage Rehabilitation Committee
Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Dear Mr. Chairman:

The Flood Damage Rehabilitation Committee of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea acknowledges the receipt of your fax of September 26 and thanks you deeply once again for your committed campaign for international relief assistance and information activities, setting a goal of $1 million relief donations for the flood damage in our country.

We would like to assure you that the issues you have raised in your fax with regard to the transport to our country of the forthcoming donations will be positively considered and resolved as you requested as soon as possible, and in particular we will readily agree to your visit to our country coming with the relief supplies to hand them over to us.

It will be necessary for us to exchange further communications as regards the relief supplies transport and your personal visit to our country.

We wish to remind you of our significant loss of grains due to the hail damage last year and again the recent flood damage, and would like you to put into consideration our suggestion that it would be preferable for you to give priority to food assistance in your donations collection campaign.

As for your request to provide you with any information about the child in the home page photo, we cannot met your needs to our regard, since the photo we got from your fax is hardly discernible.

In the meantime, we want to take this opportunity to send you information on the present status of the international relief assistance for the flood damage in the DPRK for your release through your INTERNET


1. A two-member team of the Medecins Sans Frontiers" (MSF) visited Pyongyang from September 23 to 26, 1995.

During the visit, an agreement was reached between the Ministry of Public Health of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the MSF on the MSF provision of medical services to the flood affected people of Pakchon, Huichon and Unpa Counties. According to the agreement, a MSF medical team is due to be in the DPRK by next week with all its committed medical supplies worth USD 1,000,000.

2. The DPRK Government has agreed to the visit to the DPRK by a three-member delegation of the United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs (UNDHA) and requested the UNDHA, through the UN Resident Coordinator, to forward at the earliest possible particulars required for procedural arrangement for issuing visas including curriculum vitae and specific duration of their stay in the country.

3. Relief supplies from the Russian Government (20 tons of rice, 3,000 blankets and 1.5 tons of medicine) arrived in Pyongyang on September 28, 1995.

4. Updated Contribution (not reported to the UNDHA)


    a) Germany                  USD 100,000
    b) Pakistan                 USD 160,000
    c) Finland                  USD 100,000

    d) Sweden                   USD 110,000
    e) Iran                     USD 100,000
    f) India                    USD 100,000
    g) Malaysia                 USD  25,000
    h) Belgium                  USD   7,300

   UN Organizations:

         UNICEF                 USD  300,000

   Red Cross Societies:

    a) China                    USD    36,000
    b) Norway                   USD    33,000
    c) Austria                  USD    23,000
    d) Iceland                  USD     3,100
    e) Finland                  USD    45,000
    f) Denmark                  USD    55,000
    g) Slovakia                 USD     1,300
    h) Sweden                   USD   280,000


    a) Catholic Relief Services, Regional Office
                                          USD 500,000
    b) World Council of Churches          USD 100,000
    c) Suma-Chenghai Society of Cambodia  USD 200,000
    d) Assn. of Medical Doctors for Asia  USD  70,000
    e) ADRA (US)                          USD 760,000
    f) American Aid                       USD 240,000
    g) National Council of Churches of the Christ (US)
                                                    USD 100,000
    h) International Vision               USD 500,000

(End) The Flood Damage Rehabilitation Committee of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea sincerely wishes you great success in your humanitarian work.

Best regards,

Flood Damage Rehabilitation Committee
Democratic People's Republic of Korea